What you’ll learn

Oman Introduction

Oman is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. It is known for its rich history and diverse landscapes. Oman has a developing economy and offers several opportunities for businesses.

Social Security and Employee contribution

Expatriate working in Oman are exempted from tax

Local Omani National are subject to the following social security contribution

  • 8% Employee contribution
  • 12.5% Employer contribution

End of service

A worker shall on the termination of the contract be eligible for a post service gratuity in the amount of the wage of fifteen days for each year of service for the first three years, and the wage of one month for each of the following years.

Probation Period & Termination of Indefinite Contract

  • A worker shall not be placed on probation for a period exceeding three months.
  • A worker shall not be placed on probation more than once with the same employer.
  • In all cases the probationary period, if any, shall be specified in the contract of service.
  • Any one of the parties may, after a notice of not less than seven days to the other party, terminate the contract during the probationary period, if it becomes clear that continuation in employment is not suitable.

Termination of Contract Post Probation Period

Any one of the parties may terminate the employment contract after giving a written notice to the other party thirty days before the termination date unless a longer period is agreed to in the contract. If the contract is terminated without observation of such notice period, the party who terminates the contract will be obliged to pay to the other party compensation equal to the Gross Wage for the notice period or the remaining part thereof.

Working hours

The maximum normal working hours for adult employees shall be nine hours per day or forty-five hours per week.

Sick leave

During the probationary period, the employee is not entitled to any paid sick leave. The worker whose illness is certified shall be entitled to a sick leave the total of which shall not exceed ten weeks during one year irrespective of whether it is divided or continuous and it shall be granted as follows:

  • The first and second weeks with full pay
  • The third and the fourth weeks with three quarters of the Gross Wage.
  • The fifth and the sixth weeks with a half of the Gross Wage.
  • The seventh week and up to the tenth week with a quarter of the Gross Wage.
  • The sickness shall be proved by a medical certificate. A sick worker may exhaust his annual leave besides the sick leave he is entitled to

Maternity leave

A female employee shall have the right to a special fifty-day maternity leave covering the periods before and after delivery with full salary for not more than three times during her service with the employer

Medical insurance

Medical health insurance is not mandatory to be provided in Oman.

Partner with Masdar for Streamlined EOR Services in Oman

With our comprehensive EOR services, you can enhance your business operations, cultivate a productive workforce, and ensure compliance with Oman’s labor regulations. Entrust your HR management and payroll processing to Masdar and experience the convenience and efficiency of our top-notch services. Contact us today to learn more about how our EOR services can benefit your business in Oman.