What you’ll learn

Qatar Introduction

Qatar is a country in the Middle East region bordered by Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the country has emerged as a middle power in the Arab world through its resource-wealth. Qatar is considered one of the richest countries in the world, and there is no income tax for non-companies.

Social Security and Employee contribution

Expatriate working in Qatar are exempted from tax

End of service

The worker shall be entitled to three-week Remuneration for every year of employment. The Worker shall be entitled to gratuity for the fractions of the year in proportion to the duration of employment.

Probation Period & Termination of Indefinite Contract

The probation period shall not exceed six months from the date of commencement of the Work. Employers may not put Workers under probation, with the same Employer, more than once.

Employers may terminate the Employment Contract before the expiry of the probation period if the Worker fails to carry out his/her duties as per the Employment Contract. Employers shall notify Workers of this decision within at least three days from the termination date of the contract.

Termination of Contract Post Probation Period

In this case the party interested in termination of the Employment Contract shall notify the other party in writing before one month from the date of termination of the Employment Contract if the service period is five years or less. If the service period is more than five years, the period of notification shall be two months at least.

If the Employment Contract is terminated without observing these periods, the party terminating the Employment Contract shall be obliged to compensate the other party for an amount equivalent to the full Remuneration for the notice period or the remaining part thereof.

Working hours

The maximum ordinary working hours shall be forty-eight hours per week, at the rate of eight hours per day

Sick leave

The Worker shall be entitled to sick leave with pay for each year of his service. This sick leave shall not be granted unless after the expiry of three months from the date of commencement of his work for the first time, provided that the Worker proves his sickness by a medical report issued by the competent physician approved by the Employer.

The Worker shall receive his full Remuneration if the period of the sick leave did not exceed two weeks.

If the sick leave extends thereafter the Worker shall be paid half of his Remuneration for other four weeks.

The extension of the sick leave thereafter shall be without Remuneration until the Worker resumes his Work or resigns or his service is terminated for health reasons.

Maternity leave

A female Worker who has spent a whole year in service with the Employer shall be entitled to maternity leave with full Remuneration for a period of fifty days including the prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal periods, provided that the postnatal period is not less than thirty-five days.

Medical insurance

Medical health insurance is not mandatory to be provided in Qatar

Partner with Masdar for Streamlined Services in Qatar

With our comprehensive services, you can elevate your business operations, cultivate a productive workforce, and ensure compliance with Qatar’s labor regulations. Entrust your HR management and payroll processing to Masdar and experience the convenience and efficiency of our top-notch services. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can benefit your business in Qatar.